Florida's scalp Micropigmentation Specialists

The Permanent Makeup Studio offers exceptional, affordable SMP for all types of hair loss.

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Why Choose The Permanent Makeup Studio for SMP?

Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical hair loss and scar coverup treatment for men & women.


Specialized micro needles create the appearance of tiny hair follicles on the scalp. Our advanced pigments are customized for every client’s hair and skin tone.


The Permanent Makeup Studio is Florida’s premier SMP provider.


✓ Highly experienced SMP master artist with proven results

✓ Advanced pigments that don’t fade when they set

✓ Flexible scheduling – SMP that suits your schedule

✓ A fraction of the price of a hair transplant

✓ Completely customized SMP to achieve your desired look


Call us at +1 (727) 771-3895 today to schedule a free consultation with our master SMP artist.

Our Work

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A Permanent, Safe and Natural-Looking Alternative for Hair Restoration at a fraction of the cost.


SMP is a non-invasive solution with no scarring. There is no downtime associated with it and you can go back to work the next day.

No Maintenance

Get rid of those hats, fibers or other cover-ups. Look amazing from the moment you get out of bed.

What is the long term maintenance of Scalp Micropigmentation?

We suggest every year to book a review appointment so a professional can have a look at your result and give you some advise. We usually see clients every 3-4 years for re-darkening appointments. There are various factors that contribute to how well somebody holds their result. Factors that may contribute to someone fading their result quicker include how fast their cellular metabolism fades the pigment, how much sun their scalp sees, if their skin is oily, medications, other hair loss treatments combined with SMP. Skins that are mature, advanced hair loss, dry and have SPF applied tend to hold the result better for longer.


For those with male-pattern baldness who decide to shave their head and don’t want the typical balding horseshoe pattern to be visible SMP can create the appearance of a full head of hair. SMP is a valuable tool to complete the appearance of hair transplant procedures by giving the appearance of added density. This can be beneficial for patients who have undergone previous hair transplants but did not receive the growth they were hoping for or still appear thinner than what they expected.

For those with male-pattern baldness who decide to shave their head and don’t want the typical balding horseshoe pattern to be visible SMP can create the appearance of a full head of hair.

A receding hairline is one of the first signs of the onset of male pattern baldness. SMP can restore your natural youthful hairline.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a great cosmetic option for women with general thinning and adding density.

There are many forms of alopecia. Areata in men is the most common, and some more progressive conditions such as alopecia totalis (total loss of head hair). Basically areata is the occurrence of one or more bald patches on the scalp. Scalp micropigmentation has become a real solution for those with alopecia.

SMP is used to fill in areas where thinning has occurred to camouflage the appearance of thinning, creating the look of fullness by reducing the contrast between your scalp and your hair color in patients with longer hair lengths.

SMP can effectively help conceal and reduce the visibility of all types of scars: Hair transplant scars- both linear strip scars as well as FUE scars, surgical scars as well as scarring from burns and accidental injury.

For those with male-pattern baldness who decide to shave their head and don’t want the typical balding horseshoe pattern to be visible SMP can create the appearance of a full head of hair.

A receding hairline is one of the first signs of the onset of male pattern baldness. SMP can restore your natural youthful hairline.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a great cosmetic option for women with general thinning and adding density.


Arrive on time for your scheduled appointment in order to maximize every second of your scheduled treatment session. More than 15 minutes late we will have to reschedule your session.


Please come in with a clean scalp, and make sure your hair is washed as well.


Only if advised by Scalp Master, do begin moisturizing your scalp once in the morning and once at night (not required for density procedure)


Cut your hair the night at the agreed length at the consultation. We do not cut hair at the clinic.


Avoid consumption of any blood thinners 24 hours prior to your treatment, including alcohol and any kind of painkillers.


Eat a meal prior to your treatment session.


After Care

Day 1 – Day 5

  • Avoid intense exercise or anything that would cause you to sweat heavily.

  • For the first 3 days do not let your scalp get wet at all. After that, keep the area clean by lightly rinsing with water or a wet towel and blotting dry. Do NOT soak the scalp.

  • Do NOT touch your scalp with your hands. If you need to touch, wash your hands thoroughly first.

  • You will notice your micropigmentation starting to fade. This is a normal part of the healing process.

  • Stay hydrated! Dehydration can lead to dry skin which can impede the healing process.

  • Avoid UV light from the sun or tanning beds for 30 days. Cover the treated area with a loosely fitting hat when going outside.

  • Do NOT scrub or shampoo the scalp.

  • Do NOT swim in pools, lakes, or any body of water for at least 30 days. Chlorine and salt can ruin the pigmentation, while bodies of water can increase your risk of infection.

If you would need to lightly shave or  cut your hair do so after about day 4 and before any scabs start forming. If you are unsure- ask your provider if it is okay.

Remember: everyone heals and peels on a different schedule. What may be Day 5 for you may be Day 8 for someone else. Read the aftercare instructions and decide which stage of the healing process your are in.

Day 6 – Day 10

Continue aftercare from week 1 and consider the following:

  • Your scalp may begin to peel. Do NOT scratch or pick the scabs.

  • You may use an unscented, alcohol-free shampoo if recommended by your provider..

  • Continue to avoid exfoliants or other harsh washing detergents on your scalp.

  • Use a moisturizer as suggested by your provider.

  • Avoid using self-tanners or any other products not suggested to you by your provider until the scalp is completely healed.
  • You can start lightly exercising but do not sweat excessively.

After about Day 10-14

  • Your scalp should be almost healed and you can return to your normal routines! Contact your provider to schedule your next session or inquire about your healing process.

  • Micropigmentation is a multi- session process normally requiring 2-3 sessions. Results cannot be determined until your final touch-up application is completed and healed. Touch up visits are usually scheduled 30-45 days post procedure.

After Care

Yes, Scalp MicroPigmentation is a permanent medical-grade tattoo similar to permanent makeup or a traditional tattoo.


Fading: Just like traditional tattoos, the pigment will fade over time. To avoid premature fading, we recommend that you use sunscreen and avoid prolonged periods of exposure to the sun. If you need to be exposed to the sun for a long time, wear a hat if possible. Doing so will not only preserve you SMP but it will also protect your skin from sunburns.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a medical-grade tattoo.

To understand the difference between a tattoo and SMP, you need to understand how a traditional tattoo is applied to the skin and the skin layers that are affected by the pigment.


Human skin has three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. The dermis is the outer layer. It’s the layer you wash in the shower and the one that produces flakes from dry skin. The epidermis is the second layer of skin and it can be up to up to 4 millimeters thick. It’s this layer that will absorb the pigment during a tattoo or SMP procedure.


During a regular tattoo session, the tattoo machine is set to penetrate the epidermis all the way into the dermis to a depth of up to 3 ½ millimeters. The needles used in a tattoo are very thick and carry a lot of pigment into the skin.


During SMP, the dermis is penetrated to a depth of ¼ millimeter to ½ millimeter. The needles we use are extremely fine medical-grade needles designed to leave a very small.

Our SMP procedure is completely safe. We use pre-packaged one-time-use sterile needles. Our clinic adheres to surgical center rules to maintain the highest level of sterility and cleanliness. This greatly reduces the possibility of cross contamination from patients receiving other treatments at the clinic such as hair, beard or eyebrow transplants.

Scalp Micropigmentation is far less painful than a traditional tattoo but you will still feel some discomfort depending on your pain tolerance. Patients say the tender spots are at the front hairline and around the ears.

To make you as comfortable as possible, We offer a topical numbing cream get rid of all the rest.

SMP is used to decrease the contrast between your scalp color and hair color, giving an illusion of fullness. You can think of SMP as a “permanent” cosmetic concealer such as Toppik or DermMatch. Unlike some concealers, with SMP you will not have to worry if your scalp is showing from the uneven application of concealers. Unlike some cosmetic concealers, SMP does not put a stain on your clothing, pillow, or on your significant other’s fingertips.

Believe it or not, the stubble from white hair (and most colors of hair) is GRAY when you shave close to the skin. Just look at blond men with a close shave and you will see the gray shade where the hair exits the scalp. We try to match the shade of pigment based on your skin and hair color. If you have dark hair now and it turns gray later on in life, the underlying shade will blend despite the hair color change, because SMP covers the entire scalp (not just the bald areas).

You would come in as needed to fill in any areas that continue to lose hair.

The SMP process requires two to three treatments spaced out at least two weeks apart to get the color and shading just right. This time interval is needed so that your skin can exfoliate. Each individual absorbs some pigment at different rates. For the first year we offer free touch ups if there is any fading. Your finished SMP process should last years before needing a touch up, but everyone is different.

Yes. Although there is nothing in this world that is “perfect”, with the artistry and technique we use, you should not be able to tell that someone has had SMP even up close. SMP gives you the look of a permanent 5 o’clock shadow. SMP blends in with the genetically resistant-to-balding hair around the sides of your head.

Traditional tattoos may discolor, but this is highly dependent on the type of ink used, the depth the pigment was placed into the scalp, and the amount of sun exposure you get. The key to minimizing this effect is to use a specialty pigment like we do and either wear a hat when in the sun or use a good sun blocker (with a high SPF factor). SMP dots will lose definition over time, but unlike regular tattoos, the ‘blob’ look is greatly minimized due to the special technique and the instruments used.

Dr. Pak is an expert at creating natural looking hairlines. Most clients want a soft and natural fading frontal hairline, while others prefer a more distinct and linear look. We advise and work with our patients individually to obtain the look they want.

Immediately after the procedure, your scalp will look slightly pink, somewhat similar to a sunburn. This pink color will fade out over the course of 24 to 48 hours. This is more pronounced in patients with a light skin color. You will appear to have a full head of hair that has a closely shaved look. The pigment may also appear more pronounced until you wash your scalp and remove the excess pigment three days later. Depending on each patient and the type of skin, the pigment may fade as it settles in. This is the reason why you may need more touch-ups, so that the shade and color is just right. Although we recommend at least 2 weeks between SMP sessions, you can wait weeks or months depending on your schedule and geographic location.

Yes, we have performed SMP on women, but we are cautious when it comes to women because we want to know the cause of the hair loss or hair thinning. With men, 99% have hair loss or hair thinning from genetic causes in a typical balding pattern (MPB), but women may have balding due to many medical conditions 

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